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Contact form

Write us your question.
Your Email:
Your phone number:
Form for: Complaint and Withdrawal from the purchase contract (return of goods)

Contact Information

Front Office

Zahumenni 22
74721 Kravare
region Opava
Czech Republic (Map)

Phone 1: +420 553 671 141
Phone 2: +420 553 677 969
Fax: +420 553 677 999
Mobile: 733 535 653

Office hours:
Monday-Friday 7.00-15.00

Warehouse in Stepankovice

ul. Svobody 762/23
747 28 Štěpánkovice
(in the areal of Burda)

Phone: (+420) 553 607 777
(we don't accept phone orders)
Fax: (+420) 553 654 104
Mobile: (+420) 777 714 170

With the effect from May 1st, 2013 the warehouse is closed for personal purchases and pick up of online orders.

Warehouse in Bolatice

Prumyslova 13

747 23 Bolatice

Invoicing address

Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Zahumenni 453/22
747 21 Kravare

Business ID : 25877666
VAT : CZ25877666

Copy of Trade Certificate
Copy of VAT Registration Certificate
Haberdashery Stoklasa - wholesale
Průmyslová 13, 747 23 Bolatice
tel: 228 229 395, email:


Managers of Foreign Branches

Romana Wilson (En, De), Manager for English speaking customers
Romana Wilson (En, De), Translator


Form for: Complaint and Withdrawal from the purchase contract (return of goods)

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